
Death by a thousand cuts

Every year I decide to spend some time refreshing OpenCover i.e. upgrading to the latest tools such as Visual Studio, upgrading all the packages that OpenCover depends on etc. etc....

Shaun Wilde
a razor wire fence

Every year I decide to spend some time refreshing OpenCover i.e. upgrading to the latest tools such as Visual Studio, upgrading all the packages that OpenCover depends on etc. etc. and it is never a good time for me.

I don't know why I do this to myself, I know it is going to hurt and it's always the tiny things that somehow take ages to remedy. However I need to do this so that I can uninstall old versions of Visual Studio before I move on to addressing some of the latest features and issues within OpenCover.

Thing is, as projects go that I have to deal with on a regular basis, OpenCover is one of the simplest, it has around 20 projects and there are around 30 external packages and the majority of those projects and packages are there for testing purposes. I am quite happy about the level of testing (it is not perfect - but when is it ever?) and the number of serious defects are quite low; as of time of writing, the only defects in the issues are the ones we raised ourselves from the error logs we received and an issue relating to support for the latest Fakes that comes with Visual Studio 2015.

I've decided this time that I am going to list the steps I go through over the next few days (or weeks depending on whatever time I can find) as I do this again for 2016.

  1. Upgrade the project from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio 2015
  1. Building
  1. Testing
  1. Building
  1. Upgrading the Packages

And we're done, well hopefully, nothing serious has been caught and we are now running on Visual Studio 2015 with the ability to, at last, start using the latest syntax available. Now this upgrade took about 3 days overall with a lot of elapsed time in between whilst I did other things (life) and waiting on stuff to install.